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Free Ultrasonic Contact Microphone Sound Library

This new contact microphone sound library is free. The recordings were made in the harbor of the island of La Maddalena, the island of Sicily and several other smaller locations. Some of the recordings were recorded in windy weather where the wind created an incredible hissing sound as it passed through the cable.

Files – 10 files / including metadata /
Size – 399 Mb
Sample Rate – 44.1 kHz / 32 bit WAV
Gear – Zoom F3 / Contact Microphone
License type: Royalty-free

A Little About Me

Professional traveler traveling the world in search of unique locations for photography and sound recording.
Hello, my name is Jacob Riley. For ten years I have been traveling the world to photograph the unique places I visit. As I cycle or walk around I see and hear unique things that I record with my camera and microphones. In my library of sounds you will find both natural sounds and many others that I create while on the road. My photography portfolio is mostly landscapes, but I also create others that touch my heart.
If you want to know more about me, you can read here.

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